Hugo 主题
深色主题编辑器 | Hugo
深色主题编辑器是一个用于 Hugo 的博客主题。
演示 -
⚠️ 该主题至少需要 Hugo v0.112.x。
- 一个类似编辑器的 Hugo 主题
- 多语言支持
- Mermaid 支持
- LaTeX 数学支持
- Google/Bing SEO 支持
- 更好的代码块
- 可拖动的侧边栏
- 完全响应式
你可以简单地从 GitHub 仓库下载主题,并将其粘贴到你的 Hugo 站点根目录下的 themes/dark-theme-editor
# Under the root directory of your Hugo site
git clone themes/dark-theme-editor
这会将主题仓库直接克隆到 themes/dark-theme-editor
# Under the root directory of your Hugo site
git submodule add -f themes/dark-theme-editor
这会将主题仓库作为子模块安装在 themes/dark-theme-editor
作为你的 Hugo 站点的主题时,请记住在你的config.toml
# Theme parameters [params] # Parameters applied in HTML <head> [] # Website ICON faviconUrl = "" # Do you have any CSS in local? List them in an array. # They should be placed inside "/assets" dir. # Please list your files relative to the /assets directory. # Glob pattern is acceptable # If only a few pages need the extra style files, list them in the page metadata. localCss = [] # Do you need to add any external CSS? List their URL in an array. # If only a few pages need the extra style files, list them in the page metadata. # These URLs will be inserted into <link> tags directly without any check. externalCss = [] # Like the one above, but this will download a local copy and combine it with # other CSS files into a single file while in production mode. externalCssDownload = [] # Do you have any script in local? List them in an array. # They should be placed inside "/assets" dir. # Please list your files relative to the /assets directory. # Glob pattern is acceptable # If only a few pages need the extra script files, list them in the page metadata. localJs = [] # Do you have any external Script need to add on? List their URL in an array. # If only a few pages need the extra script files, list them in the page metadata. # These URLs will be inserted into <script> tags directly without any check. externalJs = [] # Like the one above, but this will download a local copy and combine it with # other JS files into a single file while in production mode. externalJsDownload = [] # The code you could get from Google Search Console. # Please patse the value of content xxx in the following items # <meta name="google-site-verification" content="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" /> googleVerification = "" # The code you could get from Microsoft Bing Webmater # Please patse the value of content xxx in the following items # <meta name="msvalidate.01" content="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" /> bingVerifivation = "" # Customized info shown in header of the page # Customized info shown in header of the page [params.header] # Website title for header banner. title = "My New Hugo Site" # Subtitle for this site, used in homepage only subtitle = "A Site Built by Hugo" # Config about your's site logo, remove this item to hide the logo [params.header.logo] # Where is your site's URL imgUrl = "" # If the logo is clickable, where should it be linked? # In default, it will linked to the homepage of the site. logoLink = "" # Customized info shown in footer of the page [params.footer] # CopyRight string shown in the footer. Keep it an empty string or remove this item will hide it from the page. copyrightStr = "All Rights Reserved ®." # Should show the counter in the footer or not # In the home page, it will show the numbers of all pages # In the sections pages, it will show the numbers of pages within the section # In the taxonomy pages, it will show the numbers of pages belong to the taxonomy. # In the regular content pages, it will show the word count. counter = true # Should show the language of the page or not language = true # Should show the hugo version or not hugoVersion = true # Should show the theme info or not theme = true # Should show the edited time of the page or not modifiedTime = true # The format of the `modifiedTime`. # Refer to page for more detail. # Below is the default format, please do not remove it, unless you set `false` in `modifiedTime` field. dateFormat = "Jan 02 2006 15:04:05" # Should show the current git HEAD hash or not # To make this show up correctly, please follow the prerequisites in page # gitHash = true # Social link in the footer, listed items are supported, delete unwanted items to hide it. [params.footer.socialLink] github = "" facebook = "" twitter = "" email = "" linkedin = "" instagram = "" telegram = "" medium = "" vimeo = "" youtube = "" # Metadata of the site, value will be used in HTML <header> # These value would be used when they didn't appear in the frontmatter of a single page. # In other words, these value will be overwritten by the frontmatter in the single page. [params.globalFrontmatter] # The author of this site. This will be shown in # 1. the footer of all page # 2. the author filed in the single page. (this could be overwritten by the frontmatter of the single page.) # Keep it an empty string or remove this item will hide it from the page author = "Jing Wang" # Website description for RSS and SEO. Theme will generate a <meta> tag for this item description = "This is my new hugo site" # Website keywords. Theme will generate a <meta> tag for this item. keywords = "hugo,site,new" # Parameters applied in the homepage only [params.homePage] # Long Descripition shown in home page "Start Block". Is is recommended to have the paragraph shorter than 100 words. siteLongDescription = "Hugo is a fast and easy-to-use static website generator written in Go. It renders a complete HTML website from content and templates in a directory, utilizing Markdown files for metadata. It's optimized for speed and suitable for various website types." # If you don't like the title of "siteLongDescription" be "Start" (default), # you may change the value of this item to "Description" or something you like. siteLongDescriptionTitle = "Start" # Param to decide whether to show the most recent blog posts or not. (Default: true) showRecentPostsBlock = true # Param to decide how many recent posts to show in the home page. (Default: 5) numOfRecentPosts = 5 # Parameter to decide whether to show the URL behind the title. # It will be more like an editor if it is shown. However, in general, it can be messy if it is displayed. # (Default: true) recentPostShowUrl = true # Paramater applied in the single page # These values could be overwritten by the frontmatter in the single page. [] # Should include Table of Content in front of the page or not. includeToc = true # Should show the author of the page or not. # The author name will be shown in the single page if and only if # 1. this items been set as true and # 2. "aurthor" filed been provided in the # A. single page frontmatter or # B. "author" filed in above "globalFrontmatter" block showAuthor = true # Should show the date of the page or not showDate = true # The format of the date. # Refer to page for more detail. # Below is the default format, please do not remove it, unless you set `false` in `showDate` field. dateFormat = "2006.01.02" # Should show the estimate reading time in front of the page or not. showTimeToRead = true # Should show the breadcrumb in front of the page or not. showBreadcrumb = true # Should show the "copy" button in the codeblock or not. codeBlockCopible = true # Should include LaTeX support on a single page or not? # This parameter will be overwritten by the page front matter (if it has been set). # Since enabling this configuration loads some external JavaScript, # it will slow down the page loading speed. # It's recommended to keep it turned off by default and only enable this configuration when required. useMath = false # Filed tp describe how should we pass the "trust" params to the `KaTex` module. # Thos params would affect if we could trust the HTML related code in LaTex blocks. # trustedmath = false [params.preference] # Use "true" to show the real fila name in both breadcrumb and the sidebar # Use "false" to show the tile in the file in both breadcrumb and the sidebar showFileName = false
文件# Multilingual Setting [languages] [languages.en] # hugo multilingual setting languageCode = 'en-US' languageDirection = 'ltr' languageName = 'English' weight = 1 # Configs that were originally in the "params" section but need to be translated. [languages.en.params] [languages.en.params.header] # Website title for header banner. title = "My New Hugo Site" # Subtitle for this site, used in homepage only subtitle = 'A Site Built by Hugo' [languages.en.params.footer] # CopyRight string shown in the footer. Keep it an empty string or remove this item will hide it from the page. copyrightStr = "All Rights Reserved ®." [languages.en.params.globalFrontmatter] # The author of this site. This will be shown in # 1. the footer of all page # 2. the author filed in the single page. (this could be overwritten by the frontmatter of the single page.) # Keep it an empty string or remove this item will hide it from the page author = "Jing Wang" # Website description for RSS and SEO. Theme will generate a <meta> tag for this item description = "This is my new hugo site" # Website keywords. Theme will generate a <meta> tag for this item. keywords = "hugo,site,new" [languages.en.params.homePage] # Long Descripition shown in home page "Start Block". Is is recommended to have the paragraph shorter than 100 words. siteLongDescription = "Hugo is a fast and easy-to-use static website generator written in Go. It renders a complete HTML website from content and templates in a directory, utilizing Markdown files for metadata. It's optimized for speed and suitable for various website types." # If you don't like the title of "siteLongDescription" be "Start" (default), # you may change the value of this item to "Description" or something you like. siteLongDescriptionTitle = "Start" # 設定為繁體中文 [languages.zh] # Hugo 多語言設定 languageCode = 'zh-Hant-TW' languageDirection = 'ltr' languageName = '繁體中文' weight = 2 # 原本位於 "params" 區段但需要翻譯的設定 [languages.zh.params] [languages.zh.params.header] # 頁首橫幅的網站標題。 title = "我的新 Hugo 網站" # 本站的副標題,僅用於首頁 subtitle = '由 Hugo 建立的網站' [languages.zh.params.footer] # 在頁尾顯示的版權字串。將其保留為空字串或刪除此項目可將其從頁面中隱藏。 copyrightStr = "版權所有 ®." [languages.zh.params.globalFrontmatter] # 本站的作者。將顯示於 # 1. 所有頁面的頁尾 # 2. 單頁的作者欄位中(可被單頁的前置資料覆寫) # 將其保留為空字串或刪除此項目可將其從頁面中隱藏 author = "王靖" # 用於 RSS 和 SEO 的網站描述。主題將為此項目生成 <meta> 標籤 description = "這是我的新 Hugo 網站" # 網站關鍵字。主題將為此項目生成 <meta> 標籤 keywords = "hugo,網站,新" [languages.zh.params.homePage] # 在首頁「開始區塊」中顯示的詳細描述。建議段落長度不超過 100 個字。 siteLongDescription = "Hugo 是一個快速且易於使用的靜態網站產生器,用 Go 語言編寫。它可以從目錄中的內容和模板呈現完整的 HTML 網站,利用 Markdown 檔案進行元數據。它針對速度進行了優化,適用於各種類型的網站。" # 如果您不喜歡 "siteLongDescription" 的標題是「開始」(默認值), # 您可以將此項目的值更改為「描述」或您喜歡的其他內容。 siteLongDescriptionTitle = "開始" # Spracheinstellung für Deutsch [] languageCode = 'de-DE' languageDirection = 'ltr' languageName = 'Deutsch' title = 'Projekt Dokumentation' weight = 3 # Konfigurationen, die ursprünglich im Abschnitt "params" waren, aber übersetzt werden müssen. [] [] # Website-Titel für den Kopfzeilenbanner. title = "Meine neue Hugo-Website" # Untertitel für diese Seite, nur auf der Startseite verwendet subtitle = 'Eine Website erstellt von Hugo' [] # Urheberrechtszeichenfolge im Footer angezeigt. Lassen Sie es leer oder entfernen Sie diesen Eintrag, um sie von der Seite auszublenden. copyrightStr = "Alle Rechte vorbehalten ®." [] # Der Autor dieser Website. Dies wird angezeigt in # 1. im Footer auf allen Seiten # 2. dem Autorenfeld auf der Einzelseite. (dies kann durch das Frontmatter der Einzelseite überschrieben werden.) # Lassen Sie es leer oder entfernen Sie diesen Eintrag, um ihn von der Seite auszublenden. author = "Jing Wang" # Website-Beschreibung für RSS und SEO. Das Theme generiert ein <meta>-Tag für diesen Eintrag description = "Das ist meine neue Hugo-Website" # Website-Schlüsselwörter. Das Theme generiert ein <meta>-Tag für diesen Eintrag. keywords = "hugo,website,neu" [] # Lange Beschreibung im "Start Block" auf der Startseite angezeigt. Es wird empfohlen, den Absatz kürzer als 100 Wörter zu halten. siteLongDescription = "Hugo ist ein schneller und benutzerfreundlicher statischer Website-Generator, der in Go geschrieben ist. Er rendert eine vollständige HTML-Website aus Inhalten und Vorlagen in einem Verzeichnis und verwendet Markdown-Dateien für Metadaten. Er ist optimiert für Geschwindigkeit und für verschiedene Arten von Websites geeignet." # Wenn Ihnen der Titel von "siteLongDescription" nicht gefällt, der standardmäßig "Start" ist, # können Sie den Wert dieses Elements in "Beschreibung" oder etwas ähnliches ändern, das Ihnen gefällt. siteLongDescriptionTitle = "Start" # Theme parameters [params] # Parameters applied in HTML <head> [] # Website ICON faviconUrl = "" # Do you have any CSS in local? List them in an array. # They should be placed inside "/assets" dir. # And don't named the file as "index.css" and "style.css". # These two files are used by the theme. localCss = [] # Do you need to add any external CSS? List them in an array. externalCss = [] # Do you have any script in local? List them in an array. # They should be placed inside "/assets" dir. # And don't named the file as "index.js" # Theis file is used by the theme. localJs = [] # Do you have any external Script need to add on? List them in an array. externalJs = [] # The code you could get from Google Search Console. # Please patse the value of content xxx in the following items # <meta name="google-site-verification" content="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" /> googleVerification = "" # The code you could get from Microsoft Bing Webmater # Please patse the value of content xxx in the following items # <meta name="msvalidate.01" content="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" /> bingVerifivation = "" # Customized info shown in header of the page [params.header] # Config about your's site logo, remove this item to hide the logo [params.header.logo] # Where is your site's URL imgUrl = "" # If the logo is clickable, where should it be linked? # In default, it will linked to the homepage of the site. logoLink = "" # Customized info shown in footer of the page [params.footer] # Should show the counter in the footer or not # In the home page, it will show the numbers of all pages # In the sections pages, it will show the numbers of pages within the section # In the taxonomy pages, it will show the numbers of pages belong to the taxonomy. # In the regular content pages, it will show the word count. counter = true # Should show the language of the page or not language = true # Should show the hugo version or not hugoVersion = true # Should show the theme info or not theme = true # Should show the edited time of the page or not modifiedTime = true # The format of the `modifiedTime`. # Refer to page for more detail. # Below is the default format, please do not remove it, unless you set `false` in `modifiedTime` field. dateFormat = "Jan 02 2006 15:04:05" # Should show the current git HEAD hash or not # To make this show up correctly, please follow the prerequisites in page # gitHash = true # Social link in the footer, listed items are supported, delete unwanted items to hide it. [params.footer.socialLink] github = "" facebook = "" twitter = "" email = "" linkedin = "" instagram = "" telegram = "" medium = "" vimeo = "" youtube = "" # Parameters applied in the homepage only [params.homePage] # Param to decide whether to show the most recent blog posts or not. (Default: true) showRecentPostsBlock = true # Param to decide how many recent posts to show in the home page. (Default: 5) numOfRecentPosts = 5 # Parameter to decide whether to show the URL behind the title. # It will be more like an editor if it is shown. However, in general, it can be messy if it is displayed. # (Default: true) recentPostShowUrl = true # Paramater applied in the single page # These values could be overwritten by the frontmatter in the single page. [] # Should include Table of Content in front of the page or not. includeToc = true # Should show the author of the page or not. # The author name will be shown in the single page if and only if # 1. this items been set as true and # 2. "aurthor" filed been provided in the # A. single page frontmatter or # B. "author" filed in above "globalFrontmatter" block showAuthor = true # Should show the date of the page or not showDate = true # The format of the date. # Refer to page for more detail. # Below is the default format, please do not remove it, unless you set `false` in `showDate` field. dateFormat = "2006.01.02" # Should show the estimate reading time in front of the page or not. showTimeToRead = true # Should show the breadcrumb in front of the page or not. showBreadcrumb = true # Should show the "copy" button in the codeblock or not. codeBlockCopible = true # Should include LaTeX support on a single page or not? # This parameter will be overwritten by the page front matter (if it has been set). # Since enabling this configuration loads some external JavaScript, # it will slow down the page loading speed. # It's recommended to keep it turned off by default and only enable this configuration when required. useMath = false # Filed tp describe how should we pass the "trust" params to the `KaTex` module. # Thos params would affect if we could trust the HTML related code in LaTex blocks. # trustedmath = false [params.preference] # Use "true" to show the real fila name in both breadcrumb and the sidebar # Use "false" to show the tile in the file in both breadcrumb and the sidebar showFileName = false
另外,请根据你使用的语言添加相应的 i18n 翻译表,以便主题可以正确翻译成你使用的语言。我已经在
由于 Hugo 默认不会将主题配置中的分类法配置合并到站点配置中,因此需要在你的站点配置中设置作者分类法页面。
- 你可以简单地将主题配置合并到站点配置中。
[taxonomies] _merge = "deep"
- 否则,你可以直接定义你的分类法。
[taxonomies] autor = "author" tag = "tags" category = "categories"
LaTex 数学支持
此主题支持 LaTeX 数学解释,并使用 KaTeX 作为渲染引擎。
要启用此功能,请在单页面的 frontmatter 或站点配置中添加
useMath = true
$$ \LaTeX $$
:这将在单行中渲染公式。$ \LaTeX $
:这将内联渲染公式。\\( \LaTeX \\)
:这将内联渲染公式。\\[ \LaTeX \\]
此外,由于 Hugo 会将
进行换行。仅供参考,这是主题传递给 KaTeX 的配置。
renderMathInElement(document.body, { // customised options // auto-render specific keys, e.g.: delimiters: [ { left: "$$", right: "$$", display: true }, { left: "$", right: "$", display: false }, { left: "\\(", right: "\\)", display: false }, { left: "\\[", right: "\\]", display: true }, ], // rendering keys, e.g.: throwOnError: false, });
运行 & 构建
hugo server
然后,你应该能够在 localhost:1313
这将以发布模式构建你的站点,其中所有 .html
和 .js
- 标签视图支持
- 在本地存储中存储自定义注释。
- 可访问性支持
- 服务器端 LaTex 数学渲染。
- 提供搜索栏。
这个主题最初的灵感来自于主题 edidor
此主题基于 Apache License 2.0 发布。